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Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Hun Sen - Commercial Diplomatic Service Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomat
Norodom Vacheahra - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomats Accreditation Council - Princess Norodom Vacheahra - Distinguished Fellow - Professional Awarding Body for Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration - Professional Awarding Body
Dr Eve Sariyiannidou, Professional Body for Commercial Diplomats, Laura Nielsen, Natasha M. George
International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Professional Awarding Body - Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Pioneering Statutory Rights - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Certificado de la Asociación Comercial Los diplomáticos - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomat
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Safeguarding High Standards of Excellence
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Safeguarding High Standards of Excellence
Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Qualified Policy Advocates - Qualified Certified Diplomats and Chartered
International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration - Commercial Diplomatic Practice
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Advocating Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Service - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Awarding Body for Commercial Diplomats - International Trading System - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Professional Practise - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats - Association des diplomates accrédités commerciale - Order of the Companion of Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Certified Diplomat - Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Practice - International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Law - International Commercial Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Awarding body for commercial diplomats - Managing International Commercial Disputes - International Commercial Arbitration - Managing International Trade Disputes - Commercial Diplomatic Law
Policy Advocacy - Influencing foreign policy and regulatory decisions
Commercial Diplomatic Practice - Commercial Arbitration - Investment Arbitration - International Trade Arbitration
Qualified Policy Advocate - Commercial Diplomatic Practise
Qualified Certified Diplomat - Commercial Diplomatic Service - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Chartered Diplomat - Professional Standard for Commercial Diplomats - Professional Awarding Body - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomatic Service - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomats - Commercial Diplomatic Practise - International Trade Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority (CoDRA)
Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Extraterritorial Body - Justice and Judicial - Accredited Institutional Member - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Commercial Diplomats - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy
Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration - Commercial diplomacy - Anti-Corruption Policy
Princess Norodom Vacheahra - Commercial Diplomatic Council - Commercial Diplomats Accreditation Council - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration
Responsible Commercial Diplomatic Education - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Qualified Certified Diplomat - Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy - Commercial Diplomatic Law - Managing International Commercial Disputes - Managing International Trade Disputes - Managing International Investment Disputes - International Trade Arbitration - International Investment Arbitration - International Commercial Arbitration

" ambassador's job is government to government primarily, but it's also to be a commercial diplomat"

Amb. Anthony Harrington


'In many significant offshore financial centres, specialist commercial judges exist where formal specialist courts do not'

The Hon. Justice L. Kawaley

Commercial Judge

Supreme Court,



 Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority - Adopted Commercial Diplomatic Code (CDRA Code) 


Adopted Code of Conduct

This Commercial Diplomats Regulation Authority (CDRA) Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Presidium, in order to help career commercial diplomats worldwide.


  • Associate Policy Expert – AE
  • Qualified Policy Advocate  - QPA
  • Qualified Certified Diplomat  - QCDs,
  • Commercial Diplomat Plenipotentiary  - C. Dipl 

The Code of Practice

The CDRA Code provides guidance to career commercial diplomats and lays down the standards that Commercial Diplomatic Code expects of accredited career commercial diplomats, to simultaneously meet high standards of integrity, professionalism, civility, and ethics.

Subscribing to CDRA Code entails acceptance of the CDRA Disciplinary, Regulations and Procedures.

Purpose of the adopted CDRA Code

One of Commercial Diplomatic Code's fundamental aims is to increase the professionalism of career commercial diplomats. To further this aim, Commercial Diplomatic Code requires all Qualified Policy Advocates, Qualified Certified Diplomats and Chartered Diplomats to adhere to the CDRA Code of Professional Conduct, as a way of providing tangible evidence of their commitment to professionalism and probity.

Accredited commercial diplomats who breach the CDRA Code shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Commercial Diplomatic Code.

The Evolutionary Path

At Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats, we strongly believe that, it is the skills of commercial diplomats that enables government, states and businesses to succeed. With global partners the global professional body is changing the way the world delivers commercial diplomatic skills - changing the outputs of commercial diplomatic training and practice.

A steady evolutionary path has been set by the global professional body which will surely transform the legacy often inflexible "Commercial Diplomats skills supply-chain" into a demand-led system which meets the needs of the current global economy and can respond rapidly to emerging needs in the future. Moving to a demand-led system where commercial diplomatic skills demand comes from employers and individuals, is beginning to change the thinking and actions of the public, government and many private bodies, involved in the supply of commercial diplomatic skills globally.

Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats’ approved, authorised and recommended vocational education and training providers do not provide training for a career in academia, but serves as the professional vocational education and training providers for commercial diplomats. The main aim is to provide specialized, advanced professional education and training on commercial diplomatic practice for practitioners from all continents.

Professional Practice of Commercial Diplomacy

We so much believe that we will be successful and the world will see improvements in the field, improvements in the way employers think about commercial diplomatic skills and improvements in commercial diplomatic skills supply.

Founding of ACCD


Pioneering Rights




Candidates for Training


Passion for Knowledge


Recommended Texts

A large part of the foreign secretary's job is commercial diplomacy, a major part of foreign policy and should be done extremely well

 - Vince Cable, UK Business Secretary


Commercial diplomacy is an important component of the FCO's wider prosperity agenda, which brings together all the actions that it takes globally to support the UK economy - Rt Hon. Lord Howell of Guildford

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